In numbers: 400 participants from 36 countries and 7 disciplines

Over 60 scientific posters and 120 scientific presentations.


In the news

Medical Physics Web: CERN intensifies medical physics research

Medical Physics Web: Gabor lens tailors laser-generated ion beams

Medical Physics Web: Ionoacoustics: a new take on range verification

CERN Bulletin: ICTR-PHE: Converging sciences to corner cancer ( French)

Le Temps: Des éléments radioactifs pour assaillir le cancer (only in French)


Public Lecture: Physics is beautiful and useful by Ugo Amaldi, CERN


Read the conference blog.

Twitter - The conference has been tweeted with the #ICTRPHE14 on the CERN's Twitter page which has over 1 million followers

Facebook - The conference was advertised on CERN's facebook page which has more than 250,000 followers.

CERN web site - The conference was advertised on CERN's website; there was also a dedicated article published.




In numbers:


In the news

Medical Physics Web: CERN: catalysing collaboration for medical advances

CERN Bulletin: The winning alliance ( French)

CERN Bulletin: Physicists develop more powerful tools to combat cancer ( French)

CERN Bulletin: Different way, same goal ( French)



Public Lecture: Treating cancer in the XXI century: biology, physics and genomics by Søren M. Bentzen, PhD, DSc

Interview with Prof. Søren M. Bentzen (English subtitles) (French subtitles)

Summary of ICTR-PHE 2012 (English subtitles) (French subtitles)

Some interviews

Video News Release









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